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Article: Acknowledge Your Daily Successes

Acknowledge Your Daily Successes

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I look back over my day and feel like I didn’t “accomplish” very much. We make mile long to-do lists and when we only can mark off one or two it feels like a let down.

Acknowledge Your Daily Successes - Business Tips for Lettering Artists - From B Goods Lettering

So what do do instead? Make a ta-da list. This is an amazing idea from @drjuliehanks (If you’re not following her, you need to. She has the best advice and thoughts for women and moms).

At the end of your day instead of looking at all the things you didn’t do, make a ta-da list of all the things you DID do. You’ll be surprised with all of your successes and it feels good to acknowledge all you’ve done. Check out one of my ta-da lists below.

Have you ever tried a ta-da list? Do you think you’ll try it?

Acknowledge Your Daily Successes - Business Tips for Lettering Artists - From B Goods Lettering

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