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Article: My Planning System - How I Plan 6 Months At A Time

My Planning System - How I Plan 6 Months At A Time

Let’s talk about planning. First, I want to know if this is something you do?

I LOVE a good system that helps me stay organized, focused and reaching my goals. So yes, you could say I’m a fan of planning.

Here’s how it’s been working lately: I have two main goals I want to accomplish for the rest of the year. Based on those goals I will planned out the next six months. (Sounds like a lot, but once it’s broken down it becomes totally doable.)

  1. First I print out a loose calendar and write down my main goals (i.e. product launches, course launches, big events, etc.). Then I start to plan backwards. So if I’m launching a new product in October I’ll think about what I need to do each month before then to make sure I’ll be ready for it.
  2. Next, I write down my daily content that will go on social/my blog. I like doing 6 months out because it helps me plan my content to lead up to a product launch or event in my business instead of just being random.
  3. Lastly, I’ll write down my weekly email topics on the days that they need to go out.

My 6 Month Planning System

Don't forget to pin it ^

Once I have six months planned out, I can just refer to my calendar each week to see what needs to be accomplished. I make a weekly list of things I would like to do and then each day I try to do a few things on the list. Besides the paper six month calendar all of my planning happens in the Notes app on my phone (#nursingmomlife).

Thats how I do it. BUT, the important thing to remember is that you have to find a system that works for you. Copying mine or someone else’s might work for you, but might not. If you want to keep it more simple and just plan a month at a time, go for it. If you want a paper planner so you have something to actually write in, then do it. You’ve got to do what works for you and is sustainable for you over time.

My 6 Month Planning System

Need help planning out your social media content? 

In my free guide: Plan 30 Instagram Posts in 30 Minutes you will learn how to find your social media focus and how to plan and schedule out an entire month of content in 30 minutes! Get your guide


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